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Registration Notice for 2021 Freshmen(in China)

来源 : lxslaoshi     作者 : 

Registration Notice for 2021 Freshmen(in China)


    大家好!首先,欢迎各位即将成为我们浙江师范大学的一份子!开学在即,为确保同学们平安、有序地进行注册报到,现就我校 2021 级国际新生(中国境内)报到相关事宜告知如下:

Dear international students,

  First of all, welcome you all to be a new member of Zhejiang Normal University! The new semester is about to start. In order to ensure that you register in a safe and orderly manner, we hereby inform the registration-related matters of 2021 international freshmen(in China) as follows:







(1) 从国境外返回、有国内中高风险地区(如河南省商丘市、云南省瑞丽市、江苏省扬州市、上海市浦东新区等)旅居史、有确诊或疑似病人接触史的国际新生。


(3)返校前 14 天内出现发热、咳嗽、乏力、咽痛、腹泻等身体症状体征者,经当地医院就诊治疗仍未恢复健康的。

I Registration time:  


September 10th, 2021.

II Registration location: the lobby on the first floor of Building 24 of ZJNU.

IV Registration requirements: International freshmen need to show the Zhejiang health code(in Alipay), track code and real-time body temperature. Only if those are all normal, they can register.

Students in one of the following situations will not  be accepted to register for the time being:

(1) International freshmen who have returned from abroad, have lived in medium or high-risk areas (such as Shangqiu City, Henan Province;Ruili City, Yunnan Province;Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province;Pudong New District, Shanghai), or have contact with confirmed or suspected patients.

(2) Those diagnosed as confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, suspected cases, or asymptomatic infections and have not been cured, or the isolation period has not expired after the cure, or the isolation has not been re-examined after the end of the quarantine, or the re-examination conclusion has not clearly ruled out the risk.

(3) Those who have had fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, diarrhea and other physical symptoms within 14 days before returning to school, and have not recovered after treatment at the local hospital.